Charles Marshall

Charles Marshall
Motivational speaker and author, Charles Marshall

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Motivational Blog - The world contains countless talented people who go through their entire lives warming the bench

The world contains countless talented people who go through their entire lives warming the bench; they are some of the smartest, the strongest, the quickest, the most talented and most beautiful. But most of these people lack the one thing they need most in order to gain success. They lack application.

They have talent but have never applied themselves. Are you one of these people? Did good grades come easily to you? Did people think you were nice looking? Did everyone think you had natural ability in music and were sure to go far?

What if you are on the other end of the spectrum? What if you were one of those who were overlooked because you didn’t appear to have any marks of success? Did that keep you from trying? Did you come to believe that you didn’t have a chance at success because you didn’t possess natural ability or talent?

Understand this: skill, bought by discipline and hard work, always triumphs over undeveloped, natural talent. The greatest mistake most talented people make is that, being insufficiently challenged, they fail to gain the training they need to hone and perfect their natural talent. Since a small measure of success has come easily to them, they are cursed with the notion that their talent alone will always be enough. It rarely is.

Those who begin with little talent, though, and purchase their skill through long hours of study, labor, and self-deprivation, will in the end often surpass the ability of the naturally talented and see greater success because of it.

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