Charles Marshall

Charles Marshall
Motivational speaker and author, Charles Marshall

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Motivational Blog- If you can change your perspective, you can change your life

The greatest challenge in your pursuit of growth is to change your perspective. If you can change your perspective, you can change your life. Throughout life, we all experience periodic moments of clarity—perhaps in response to a conversation we’ve had or a book we’ve read—and just for a moment a door opens into another universe. For just a moment, we catch a glimpse of the immense landscape of endless possibility.     

Maybe you have dared to believe, just for an instant, that you can live the life that you have dreamed. Maybe you realized that there was less separating you from achievement and fulfillment than you previously supposed. But so often, as a book is laid aside or the memory of a conversation fades, your perspective withers and eventually dies altogether. Like a seed without sufficient sunlight and water, it fails to sprout and produce the increase for which it was designed. We walk away from the vision and forget it like last night’s dreams. You must not let that happen. You must capture the strength of that perspective and make it your own.      

The only way perspective can be retained is to plant it in an action taken today. If perspective is the seed of success, then today is the ground in which it must be sown. What action will you take today that will bring you closer to the realization of your aspirations?

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