Charles Marshall

Charles Marshall
Motivational speaker and author, Charles Marshall

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Instead of waiting for your ship to come in, grab a hammer and build a boat.

Too many people live their lives based on the fairy-tale notion that their ship will one day arrive. As if the only question were when the ship would arrive, not if it would arrive at all, they wait, doing little or nothing but marking time their whole lives. But there is another alternative for the one who gets tired of waiting, and that option is to grab a hammer! 

That’s right. Instead of waiting for your ship to come in, grab a hammer and build a boat. Why not take a chance and start doing something? Why not start working on a plan to take you to your destination? If, by some miracle, your ship does somehow come in after you build your boat, then you will have both the ship and a boat. If your ship never arrives, then you have a boat and won’t get surprised by any unexpected floods.

 The person who is determined to build his own boat has a completely different attitude. He goes and finds the money to start the business. He seeks to improve himself, believing that water seeks its own level, and realizes that if he wants a good life partner, he must first be a good prospective life partner. He realizes that job security is an illusion and the biggest rewards in life are not found sitting on the bench, but getting in the game.

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